Let experts help you pick the best spot to set up inflatable movie screens

by Bob Deutsch

Location, location, location: it’s something this blog has touched on several times before and will again, because it can make all the difference to organizers who have obtained large movie screens.

In addition to all the other factors that might influence where you actually orient your audience, organizers should consider means of making sure glare, visual obstacles and other challenges don’t ruin the evening for anyone present.

Glare, for instance, might present a big problem to those unsure of what they’re doing when the screen arrives. This is a particular concern since it could vary depending on where certain viewers are sitting and how long a screening is intended to go on. If the screening is taking place on a raised area like a sloping hill, or near a large body of water at sundown, changing light and shadow could be a factor. And this is to say nothing of the unexpected arrival of birds.

It can be nerve-wracking to those just looking to help set up a good time with minimal fuss. It’s a good thing that experts exist to help talk organizers through the planning process, as well as setup. That way, once the inflatable screens or other such items arrive to be put into use, they can be done so with confidence.

There’s no way to completely dispel the arrival of unforeseen problems, but positioning your inflatable screen shouldn’t be an ordeal. No matter what their reason for rental, organizations can choose the screen that suits them and consult an expert to find the perfect spot for display.

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