In addition to the ability to display films and other media at a special event, large movie screens give organizers and presenters the ability to make sure all aspects of a festival get the attention of the crowd. Live streaming and projection can make concerts, speeches, and other presentational situations that require an attendee’s full attention.
No matter the nature of a speaking event like this, chances are your audience won’t want to miss a word, and giant-sized visual aids can keep them entertained and up-to-speed as events progress. Not only can they do this in the obvious way of providing an enhancement of things onstage that audience members may have trouble seeing, they can allow for presenters to employ closed captioning or other means to increase understanding of whatever’s being discussed.
Another way this form of presentation can be of use is through the display of graphs, charts, and other pieces of information to supplement the events onstage. If there’s a concert going on, the screen can be incorporated in creative ways that fit with the band’s themes, a common feature for most popular music performances these days. Or, for another example, one can consider the TED Conference, whose presenters constantly use graphics and large displays to make their point.
In this same way, portable, inflatable movie screens can give any event an element that doesn’t just make your event bigger, but enhances it. Either way, screens can be essential for showing information, no matter the purpose, agenda, or content of the particular program.